The laser procedure of rejuvenation of the skin

Aging is a natural process, which does not get rid of it. With age the skin loses elasticity and elasticity. Appear the wrinkles, the folds, the laxity. To eliminate these defects will allow this technique, such as laser resurfacing. Discover what is the procedure? How is it done? What effect can achieve?

The realization of the procedures of skin rejuvenation with laser

The essence of the method and the advantages of

Aging influences on the outward appearance. The fabric of the older person's risk of suffering from this process. There are several methods that prevent and delay your. One of them is the laser procedure of rejuvenation.

Among the advantages we noted the absence of a surgical intervention. In addition, this process does not require the use of general anesthesia. There are many varieties of laser resurfacing, which allows you to choose the methodology depending of your problem in each case individually. In consequence, it can remove wrinkles, folds, sagging. You can this way return to the skin, lost the tone, set the oval of the face.

The procedure is suitable for all. But there are a number of contraindications. They are described below.

Preparation and realization of

For best results, two weeks before the session, not worth taking the sun, visiting the solarium or the steam room, sauna. Do not swim in the pool. Don't do chemical peels. Do not take antibiotics.

Laser skin rejuvenation involves fractions of the impact of the rays. The flow is divided into a multitude of small, which are in contact with the areas of the epidermis. Intact cells remain in the same state. Hot layer eliminates the small wrinkles smoothed. The methodology is applied as a tool. Can be performed even after the plastic surgery.

Varieties of rejuvenation

There are several different types of this type of technique. Learn about the features of each one to make the right decision.


Assumes a rejuvenating effect. This grinding does not violate the layers of the skin. The epidermis is renewed. Question: effect of ablative laser rejuvenation — what it is, it is worth noting that this technology involves the regeneration of the skin, but includes the period of rehabilitation.

The essence of point of impact. Therefore, this technique is applicable for certain sampling plots. Applies especially to the map of laser. You correct minor defects.

The exposure of the skin with laser


If the damage is more difficult and more large, use this method. Affects surface waters and in the layers of the epidermis. Stimulates the production of collagen, which is the main element that improves the tone. Non-ablative laser rejuvenation of the skin firm and elastic. When it affects the entire surface of the face, improving even its outline. Provides an effect that is maintained within 2-3 years.

Indications and contraindications

This technique is recommended if you have wrinkles, sagging, stretching the skin of the chin. If you have acne, or freckles, can also be solved with the help of the methodology. However, keep in mind that it has contraindications.

The laser rejuvenation of the skin of the person that it is not worth to use in these cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • in the period of lactation;
  • psoriasis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • the system diseases of the blood;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • varicose veins of the disease;
  • the disease of the heart;
  • hypertension
  • hypotension;
  • the dystonia vegeto-vascular.
If there is a fresh burn, best to also refuse this rejuvenation and wait until he comes.

The rehabilitation and the care of the skin

Subsequently, it is recommended not to take the sun for two weeks. Also in this period it's not worth doing a peel and to use cosmetics decorative. An aesthetician performs the procedure of laser resurfacingProcessed should be cleaned to the media, in which there is alcohol.

As such, the rehabilitation period is missing. There may be redness and itching. But these side effects little is to be carried out. Important to follow the recommendations.

It requires 3 to 5 sessions to obtain the desired effect. The type of anesthesia can not be used. This depends on the initial state and of the sensitivity of the skin.

The laser rejuvenation — price

The price varies depending on the cabin and the region, as well as the original problem. This methodology, as the laser resurfacing, the price is different. It is necessary to take into account a number of nuances. On average, the session will cost $ 42. If the initial state of the skin we also have, get ready to spend a lot more.

Customers after laser skin rejuvenation

About this procedure, such as laser rejuvenation, positive reviews mostly. Find out what other women think about her.

Even when I was a teenager, I had a degree of acne. Could not in any way to get rid of this problem. Only laser methodology has helped. First, there were lurid redness, but after a couple of days the skin was perfect. Very happy with the final result.

You got rid of your acne in this way. The first three days were the sensation is not pleasant, but then everything returned to normal. Effective procedure, also it reaffirms the contour of the face. I see a lot better. Skin is smooth and radiant.

The result is, but advertising is too exaggerated. I did this procedure two times. It is possible, to achieve a better effect requires more sessions. But due to the relatively high cost, couldn't afford it. After two sessions, the result on the face: wrinkles are less visible.