Unique medicinal herbs for skin rejuvenation

It is known that herbal medicine is effective not only in the treatment of infusions and decoctions. Beneficial properties of plants, over many centuries, used with success to maintain the beauty and freshness of the skin.

Many women prefer not to spend money on expensive anti-canus makeup and the preference of the natural resources. Herbs for face wrinkles can help not only refresh the skin. They do not contain preservatives and other chemical compounds that are added in industrial applications and cosmetics.

The use of herbs for the skin

Herbs for the skin of the face

Herbs have a unique action on the skin.Have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, feeding, and tonic properties. The plants are a real treasure of useful substances. In chemical composition they have everything necessary for the care of the skin components, such as:

  • Trace elements. Protect the skin from harmful external effects, are involved in all processes of change. Stimulate the natural development of elastin, which is compatible with the elasticity of the skin.
  • Vitamins. Participate in the processes of cellular exchange, stimulate the regeneration of cells, feed on the dermis.
  • The essential oils. Reset the epidermis, they release their oxygen, which slows down the process of aging. Have an antioxidant action.
  • Peptides and amino acids. Activate the process of cell renewal and the production of your own collagen. The amino acids are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, smoothing even the deepest wrinkles.
  • Tannins. Reduce the swelling, apply to the work of the glndulas sebceas. Astringent action tightens deflectens the skin.
  • The organic acids. Accelerate the upgrade of the epidermis, stimulates the production of collagen. Have moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant action.
  • The alkaloids. Tone the skin.
  • Glycosides. Effectively clean and whiten the skin. Help to even hyperpigmentation.
  • The flavonoid. Strengthen the blood vessels. Protect the skin from uv rays and free radicals.
  • Fitontsidy. The most powerful source of resistance to infectious disease and inflammatory processes in the skin.

Herbs to combat the effects of old age

Before rejuvenation procedures with the use of herbs, it is necessary to determine the objective that you want. The procedures may be directed to the removal of the inflammation or of unwanted pigmentation, tone and improve the elasticity of the epidermis, as well as in the total rejuvenation of the skin and elimination of wrinkles. The grass of the wrinkles apply, taking into account the skin type:

  • For oily skin, recommended st. john's wort pierced, wormwood, burdock ordinary (burdock), salvia, stinging nettle, cola, butterbur, the mother and the stepmother.
  • Service of the dermis flourishes, after the application of such herbs as dandelion, fennel, the parsley, the thyme, yarrow, rosemary, rowan, lemon balm, lavender, chamomile pharmacy, calendula, hop cones and rose petals.
  • Problem requires a careful attention. Ensure that will help you to verbena, aloe, celandine, immortelle, calendula, peppermint and horsetail field.

As instantly to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes?

Let's start with the most famous, beloved and the most dangerous method of facial rejuvenation - botox. Yes, botox is one of the most effective methods to get rid of wrinkles. In addition, it is not the cheapest procedure, no one talks about side-effects of the actions that sooner or later all of them appear. Here's just some of them:

  • vision problems;
  • difficulty in breathing, the violation of voice and deglutitio functions;
  • abundant eruptions on the skin;
  • itching at the area of application of botox;
  • increased heart rate;
  • feeling of general weakness and fatigue.;
Pharmacies of the tool for the rejuvenation of the

Savvy vendors go for it all, in order to maximize announce the one or the other of cream, the task of selling, and not to help the people.

We want to warn you, dorogushchie remedy against wrinkles, manufacturers that guarantee the result is only cheap moisturizers. It is not worth to be carried out in their tricks, even if the packaging or any other means "smart words" is the way, and with the help of some of the components your medicine works.
Home remedies

A great advantage of the means is that all of them are based on natural ingredients and, as a minimum, will not cause damage to the body. But the practice shows that the sense of them is so small that it's barely noticeable result.

Recipes for the rejuvenation of the skin

Facial treatments herbal

The type of cosmetic procedure and selection of herbs depend on the structure of the skin. The care is performed through different cosmetic ways:

  • The mask;
  • The compress;
  • Lotions and tonics;
  • The ice;
  • Bath baby bathtub.
The mask

Anti-aging herbal mask to tighten and nourish the skin. They fill their substances that stimulate cell regeneration and collagen production. Before applying the mask, cleanse and steam the skin. After removing the mask, apply a layer of nutrients from the cream. Do the procedure is recommended 2 times a week.

Recipe 1. Retrieve the discoloration of the skin will help mask of sage, linden flowers, st. john's wort and chamomile pharmacist. Prepare a mask of dry or fresh raw material, taken in equal parts, of 30, If the grass is dry, it is necessary to grind in a coffee grinder. Fresh plant is ground up in the blender. Dry powder to prepare a small amount of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. The slurry of fresh vegetables lightly wring out, juice kept in a container. To be processed the mass (in both cases), add a teaspoon of sour cream and olive oil. Carefully mix and then put in the skin of the face. Keep the mask should be not less than 10 minutes.

The juice of fresh herbs, mounted in the cooking process of the mask, dilute 1 tablespoons of vodka and 1 tbsp of water. Use the resulting of the composition of the morning, like a lotion.

Recipe 2. In the composition of this mask include herbs for skin rejuvenation of the face. It is the verbena, salvia, aloe, cones of hops, and burdock ordinary. The method of preparation of the mask of the same, as in the first recipe. But, in place of the sour cream and used 1 tbsp of honey, raised by half of the hot milk. With the regular use of this tool, is smooth, visibly, not only the expression lines, and deep wrinkles.

Compresses and lotions

Compresses and lotion help to clean the skin and to sate with useful substances. For they use decoctions or infusions of all the herbs of the wrinkles. For a better action, pretty five different herbs in a single tool.

The preparation of the cooking is done in the following way:

  • The herb taken in equal proportions, pour in the boiling water. Kept in a water bath, not less than 10 minutes. 1 teaspoon dry raw materials, or in the year 50 of green leaves, it is necessary to 200 ml of water.
  • Finished the cooking of the filter, is cooled and stored in the refrigerator no more than two days.

Recipe to prepare tinctures contains the same amount of ingredients and the liquid, as in the preparation of the cooking. It is distinguished from the dye made of that instead of water use vodka, and the composition does not undergo a heat treatment. Simply bind all the ingredients, and then insist in the composition in a dark place, not less than 10 days. Ready tool stored in the dark and cool.

The tinctures prepared tonics and lotions. Simply dilute an infusion boiled, but cold water, in a ratio of 1:1,5.

To prepare the cream base of dry white wine. This outfit verbena, pharmacy chamomile and aloe juice. All the ingredients are taken from 1 tablespoons of the spray Mixture, and pour 250 ml of wine. Insist 10 days. apply lotions and tonics, preferably 2 times a day, alternating the media.

Cosmetic ice Ice cubes for face

Ice, herbal for skin rejuvenation, is an excellent preventive tool. Its continuous application tones the skin and keeps it fresh for a long time.

Prepare the ice of the cooking of the herbs, the oil spill in the mold and freeze it in the freezer.

Steam, hot

This procedure is performed in order to clean the face before applying the mask. The aromatic steam is not only deeply opens and clears pores. The essential oils assigned under the action of hot water, nourish, and protect the skin. Bath baby bath also serves as aromatherapy procedure, helping to eliminate fatigue and stress.

Regulations for the implementation of phytocosmetics

The grass of wrinkles on the face can be used in the form of soups, broths, infusions, or plant extracts. For the preparation is adapted as a pharmaceutical raw materials, such as plants, prepared by himself. Buy the herb also you can in the market, the herbalists, or through the internet. Time of storage of fresh herbs, shall not exceed three days in a cool place). To cook them you need the tool of choice immediately after collection. Dry herb can be used at any time.

Prior to the application of the plant resources of the wrinkles, make a test of allergenicity. A small amount of tools to apply to the inside of the elbow, and leave for 24 hours. If it will not cause a redness or irritation of the skin, the tool can safely be used for beauty treatments.

There are some contraindications to the use of herbs, such as the rejuvenation of the tool. Is a malignant tumor and intolerance of the individual. If there is in the skin of the wounds and the scars, the herb can be applied only after consultation with the specialist.

The grass of the wrinkles on the face, which have a positive effect, if the tool since they are applied regularly, in the long term. Also, it is recommended to alternate between the tools and the types of beauty treatments.