Surely all women want to invent a true elixir of youth, to become in your age group changes. In reality, our ancestors knew how to stay healthy and young for many years, and will gladly pass this information on to their children and grandchildren.

Create a multi-functional tool for the skin of the face and body is impossible, but fortunately, proper care with the use of the media can prevent the premature aging is not worse than any magical elixir. Having tested recipes of the youth, and apply them in practice, you will never have to worry about plastic surgery.

We begin with the rejuvenation of the body

Rejuvenation herbal

The aging of the skin of the person starts from the beginning to irreversible aging processes in the body. Rejuvenate yourself on the outside is possible only on the condition that you support the harmony and balance within the body. This is a very important aspect, that many women overlook in an attempt to restore the elasticity and softness of the skin of the face only cosmetic.

Your state of health directly influences the beauty and elegance of the skin, that is why it is worth to maintain the protective functions of the body, if you want as much as possible to delay the aging of the face and the body.

To avoid the appearance of wrinkles, skin folds and other unpleasant cosmetic deficiencies, more easy to fix as after it appeared. That is why it is necessary to regularly carry out the prevention of the aging of the body with the correct approach to a style of life. Keep your body young and healthy will help you to:

  • the water;
  • physical activity.
  • the rejection of bad habits;
  • vitamin complex;
  • a proper nutrition;
  • the regular examinations of the medical;
  • nature.

All of these forms are available and do not require you to special financial expenses. If you are wondering how to rejuvenate the body from the inside, you can enjoy the following tips:

  • The sport and physical exercise should be your traveling companions for life. Although there is no need to attend gyms or fitness centers, it would be useful for any periodic load. It can be run in the morning, go to yoga classes or pilates, do a daily bike, or just perform a simple load;
  • Delete from your diet-cooked cuisine, and also too salty, sweet or too flavored food. The resignation of rich muffins and other baking also benficamente on the state of the skin of the face and the body. Each day, be sure to eat more vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts. Ideal for the rejuvenation of the body is considered vegetarian or gluten-free diet;
  • Throughout the day drink a minimum of 1 l of pure water without gas, this will help to enhance the metabolism. The lack of moisture in the body can lead to unpleasant consequences for the body and cause more the imminent aging of the skin of the face. True elixir of youth is, juices, and smoothies. More options available for preparation are considered to be the apple and the carrot;
  • Try to spend more time outdoors. Make a habit of every day walking down the street or visiting the nearest park. Even our ancestors knew that nature and the fresh air to rejuvenate the body, give you more strength and joy in a long time.

The mythical elixir of youth, you can replace the fulfillment of these recommendations. Is the correct approach to the mode of life of beauty treatments for the skin of the face will be really effective.

Ancient healers and healers in different parts of the world have devised their recipes of youth and renewal of life. Each culture through the centuries has brought a variety of ways for anti-aging, and thanks to this, the tool for the rejuvenation of the old techniques can be done in our time.

Before you apply popular mixtures to eliminate the signs of aging of the skin, always perform the test to an allergic reaction. If in the composition of specific components, it is best to consult with your doctor about the use of this type of tool.

Each elixir, created by the recipes, the integral acts on the body of the person, strengthening the body from the inside out, and promoting the rejuvenation of the outer skin. If you want to train in the proven and tools, then use these recipes:

  • Oriental magic is a tool that helps to delay aging of the body, is prepared with 100 ml of freshly-squeezed juice of a lemon, 200 g of liquid honey and 50 ml of olive oil. All the ingredients should be mixed and take this mixture in the stomach two times a day;
  • The garlic in the elixir of longevity and beauty has been used even by our ancestors. To cook, mix the juice of 2 lemons with grated garlic (200-250 g). The mixture should be placed in a jar and hide in a dark place 1 month. After that the elixir of be insistida, you should take 1 teaspoon before bedtime, previously a mixture of a small amount of water;
  • The slavs used for the rejuvenation of the face and body elixir, the fact of rowan and rosehip. For preparation, mix in a thermos 1 teaspoon of both types of berries with 500 ml of boiling water. Let the liquid stand for about an hour, and after that immediately cool up and strain received the elixir. Cooled the tool is taken two times a day instead of tea.

Do not forget that the popular elixir of which can be combined with the modern means for the care of the skin of the face. So you can get a more pronounced effect of rejuvenation procedures, and will make a double whammy of age, aesthetics, and disadvantages.

Allow the masks to the youth of the skin

the food

Maintain the elasticity of the person and stop the aging of the skin by using natural masks. If you cook at home, you will be able to avoid the negative impact of chemical additives, which often contain in the means of attention. Activates the regeneration of cells and strengthening of the protective properties of the skin can use these recipes:

  • Of mature banana break your soul mate and knead in mashed potatoes. To fruit mass, add 2 tablespoons of warm milk. Mix ingredients well, and apply a mask on the face. After 20 minutes, remove the mixture with a cotton disk, with olive oil;
  • Take 2 tablespoons of dry yeast, dilute with warm water until the state of dense sour cream. In the mass, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and bring the mixture to homogeneity. Received the mask is applied in layers with the help of a brush. Every five minutes, add a little of the mixture on the face, until the dough will not end. After that, leave the tool on the face for 20 minutes and then wash it with warm water;
  • On a fine grater or in the blender fresh cut of the peel of a lemon. To the crust add 1 egg white, 2 teaspoons milling of oats and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Bring the mass to a homogeneous consistency and apply on the face with a thick layer. After 10 minutes wash with warm water and apply an anti-aging cream.