Care of the skin of the face after 30 years: the tips of aesthetics

The aging is determined by genetic factors, to argue with it is useless. However, contrary to popular belief, the concept of active ageing, due to genes and natural factors, begins not in thirty, or even forty years. At this age, your skin is still capable of a lot, the main thing is to know the right way to help.

the care of the person after 30

What happens with the skin

After thirty years in our organism, decreasing the processes of change. This occurs at different levels, even in the skin. In its structure are observed multiple changes.

  • Decreased synthesis of epidermal lipids, so that with age, the epidermis becomes more dry.
  • The deterioration of the microcirculation in the tissues. It reduces the enrichment of the skin with nutrients from the inside.
  • Photodegradation. The response to the exposure to the sun, causes the development of wrinkles, the formation of spots;
  • The thinning of the fat, compatible with the usual forms of the person. For this reason, the skin starts to "sag".
  • The thickening of the epidermis. The cells of the horny layer is stratified in itself, independent of the peeling is impossible. Because of this, the person acquires a hue earthy, in touch, rough skin, it looks sloppy.

Despite these processes, is to speak of the proximity of the old age early. "The skin is the body hormone-dependent," said esthetician olga FEM. — Thirty years in the body produces a sufficient amount of hormones, therefore, to panic when you see the first wrinkles prematurely".

Possible problems

Cosmetologists do not like to give the correspondence of the recommendations of skin care covers after thirty years. So beautician natalia nikolaev, the author of the book "Beauty without operations: 10 markers of youth", advised to visit a specialist at least 1-2 times a year.

Do this is because the "behavior" of the skin at this age is very individual. And only the direct contact of the inspection the esthetician can give you recommendations of how it should be the care of the person after 30 years in the home.

In that the fineness of the choice of techniques? There are a number of reasons.

  • Usual care. Some women have used successfully to take care of yourself, from adolescence onwards. Your skin of the cloaks in general, look good, and any serious adjustments in the care is not necessary. Someone begins to panic when discovering the first wrinkle, and just if not included, for the first time in your daily routine care of the moisturizer, mask. The results of the work on himself, without a doubt, will be visible and in the second case. But maintaining the youth of skin regularly is much more effective and easier than trying to recover it.
  • Type of skin. The posesoras dry skin, the epidermis becomes even the earth that leads to the formation of small wrinkles in the contour of the eyes. When fat the type of activity of the sebaceous glands can and do decline. Women continue to disturb the occlusion of the pores, periodic precipitation, the formation of acne and oily shine. To solve these problems must be multi-function cosmetics, which have properties anti-aging effect.
  • Type of aging. There are six types of aging, are most common among the which tired, deformation, and mixed. The first is characteristic for the operation in dry of the epidermis thin and fat in fiber. The second is generated in the normal woman or oily skin, normal, physical. The deformation characterizes the woman with the dense physical, full of a person. Mixed-combines the features of all previous types. The choice of technique of care of the person, you must determine the type of ageing, also, to ensure the best results home and cabin technical.

The combined approach to the care of the person, taking account of all its features: skin type, type of aging basic care will smooth the changes of age, delay aging.

The main recommendations

The main mistake of women who discover early changes of age, to include in the care of the skin of the person "to whom for 30" tools that use up soon. The fact that the general decrease of the processes of change, the epidermis still have the ability to regenerate, restore their structure, to produce the samples.

The purification and the hydration of the

The main "pillars" on which is based the beauty and charm outside of the skin. To respect this sequence, using the tools of their type of epidermis, every day, morning and evening.

tips for the care of the person
  • Of fat, problem skin. Use the mousse or foam with salicylic acid, panthenol. These components dissolve well the secret, normalizes the separation of the fat, support healthy microflora that prevents the development of inflammation.
  • The skin dry. Use the cleansing milk, which should be applied on the face, massage gently and rinse with water. Do not try to replace the cleansing milk special the water. The majority of these compositions, despite the claims of manufacturers, leave on the skin, not can. Of entry of substances advanced dry out the epidermis. Any tool for the purification must be diluted with water.
  • Normal skin. Choose any cleanser that you like and suitable. Keep in mind the composition. You should not be aggressive surfactants, among which sodium lauryl sulphate, sodium lauryl sulphate. These substances are dried and epidermis and empty it. Use the tool with a soft surfactant in the composition of coco-betaine, betaine, glycolic acid, lactic acid.

For the tone you choose the compositions according to the skin type. Tonic completes the purification of the dissolution of the remains of the skin secretion and cosmetics, they did not do a good job of the tool for washing the face. You can also include panthenol, allantoin, which is relevant to the problem of the epidermis. Also as a tonic you can use thermal and alkaline mineral water.

If you are satisfied with the appearance and the condition of the skin, keep using day and night cream that has included in their daily routine of care before. If you notice signs of age changes, choose a cream with a suitable composition.

  • The dryness, dehydration of the epidermis, the education small setochki of wrinkles. Include in your care the nourishing cream with peptides. Such compositions are well moisturize, nourish, eliminate the feeling of tightness, flaking. Peptides, substances with the muscle relaxant effect. Relaxing the muscles of expression lines, making wrinkles disappear. Apply the cream with peptides across the face with wrinkles, or local, in the areas of formation of wrinkles, for example, in the forehead and around the eyes. Use these foams must be continuous over two or three months. During the year spend two or three courses.
  • The sagging of the skin, the formation of setochki of the capillaries. It is characteristic of the deformation types of aging, in which the signs of severity of ptosis is manifested especially bright. Beauticians recommend to include in the care of the skin of the face in the 30 years of the tool that strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Improve the blood circulation in the tissues and have a lifting action, tightening the contours of the face. The active components of such media — the marine algae extract of ginkgo-biloba, arnica, horse chestnut.
  • The fatness, the occlusion of the pores, first wrinkles. It is more difficult to pick up the care of the combined skin of the face after 30 years. Since the plots of the wrinkles it is necessary to moisturize and nourish, but the epidermis responds to a use active media-saturated hot-spots of acne and inflammation. Select the tool on the basis of vitamin A (retinol). This component stabilizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and anti-aging..

Compositions of day and night cream are different. Day we need protection against the ultraviolet light and the dynamics of the radicals, therefore, in the composition of the day cream should contain SPF-filters and vitamin c (active anti-age component). The night of the epidermis are restored. The time of using the retinol, peptides, and other components to the solution of the problems of aging.


As before, 1-2 times per week should be perform the procedure, increased exposure of skin care products from the home. These include a deep cleansing, hydration, nutrition.

the mask
  • Peeling. It is designed for the removal of the surface of the horny layer of cells, which is the one that gives a person of color grey, exterior neuhozhennost. Is performed by means of skraba or a peeling based on fruit acids (bromeline, papain). Apply the product after exfoliating the purification of the foam or milk. Massage gently, rinse with water. Do not use scrubs with natural abrasive particles. Scratch the epidermis, in violation of its structure. Select the tool with a soft grain-based fruit acids. The last especially recommended for oily, mixed and sensitive skin. Dissolve hot cell without abrasive action, in parallel to the normalization of the sebaceous glands and giving a small whitening effect.
  • Deep hydration. It is necessary that the skin of any type, not just dry. Moisten especially important in bold type and problem of the epidermis, as well as the lack of moisture with the regular use of the media for the dryness causes the reaction is intense, the formulation of the skin of the secretion and the increased fat content. For a deep hydration, use a mask for your face after 30 years, with a base of hyaluronic acid, urea, alginates (seaweed), amino acids, polysaccharides. Apply the tool 1-2 times a week after exfoliation.
  • The fight with the fat content, pigment spots. Women with oily skin worth knowing with masks with AHA-acids. In the composition of media for care at home contains seven percent natural acid. They dissolve the outer layer of the epidermis, destruction of the accumulation of melanin, which we call pigment spots or freckles. They also reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands to increase and to regenerate the function of the epidermis. Include in your care as is due in the fall and winter, when the sun is not too aggressive. Use the mask change two times a year.
  • Deep of the food. You can use masks for the face in 30 years, with nutritious components. But more effective of serum, the composition should be in the solution of a specific problem. For example, the fight against wrinkles and excessive dryness of the skin. In the composition of the masks of the amount of active components is usually 2 to 10%, while the serum contains up to 40% of a component in a place easily accessible. Therefore, the serum are more expensive than the of the mask, the cream, but apply them locally in the problematic area and use the rate of change. Apply the serum under your usual cream of care or under the additional mask in the area of intensive. The components of the scale of the media guide for the serum into the deep layers of the skin.

In winter, the epidermis becomes more dry, therefore, intensive hydration can be performed two to three times a week. In summer, on the contrary, the fat content increases. It is recommended that a maximum of three times a week, use masks with AHA-acids or anti-inflammatory compositions.

The air of the cabin of the procedure

The skin of the face after 30 years is well perceived anti-aging the air of the cabin of the procedure. The advantage of this period in which, at a minimum cost, you will be able to enhance their own body's reserves, and not to have recourse in the future to expensive, "heavy" procedures. By the comments of the aesthetic is more effective in living the care procedures that improve trofiku fabrics, the microcirculation in them.

  • The massage. Hand or hardware. Without massage, it is impossible for an anti-aging treatment in a particular type of ageing, since it strengthens the tissues, reduces the intensity of its operation. The massage acts on the lymphatic system, blood vessels, enriches from the inside of the epidermis. With the full home, just one or two courses of massage in the year, to maintain the freshness and youth of the person for a long time. You can pass the course of three to five procedures, after that keep the result of the visits of aesthetics once a month.
  • Microcurrent therapy. The procedure by which the body affects the weak impulses of current. They improve the processes of change, rejuvenates and revitalizes the vessels and tissues at the cellular level. Increase the intensity of the reflux of the lymph, which resolves the edema, relaxing muscles, reducing the intensity of the wrinkles of expression. In room care is used professional equipment for mikrotokovoy of the therapy. There are other similar products, intended for domestic use. The effectiveness of the past below. These should be used only in the event that you use professional cosmetics "under the microstreaming" and are willing to wait for the result of a long time. He will manifest with the use of regular domestic appliance from the mains within a period of two to three months. Treatments in the living room offer a lot more pronounced and a remarkable effect faster.
  • Peeling. Difference the home of the exfoliation of the cabin — in the concentration of active acids. In the care of the skin after 30 years of age, it is recommended to use superficial peels, the concentration of acids in the that is up to twenty-five percent. Such compositions create a superficial burn of the tissue, which is manifested by redness external. Through 2-3 days with the person peeling back the superficial cells, when the epidermis is renewed on a deep level. Peel starts the rejuvenation of the structure: consolidated the formation of collagen, elastin. Make enough 2-3 times a year, so that his face looked young and care.

Transfer to the epidermis hyaluronic acid, botox and other means for the rejuvenation of you temporal scope of a positive outcome. But in the long term, for example, over five years, the aging is manifested in more intense way. Person from frequent injections becomes puffy, you lose individual of the facial expression.