Simple recommendations on the care of the skin problemtica in the face

Welcome, dear friends. We have repeatedly written about the possible means for the washing of different creams that help get rid of spots and acne. Today we will take the time exciting and girls and young people of the issue — care of the skin of the face with acne, sensitive, fat.

Few people know that the imperfections will become a constant companion of those who evil has collected funds for the care. Today we are going to give preference to the purchase of media for problem skin.

Main rules of

skin care

The correct care of the skin problemtica in the home depends in great measure of stability and regularity. Often, without knowing it, a representative of the weak half of humanity makes a lot of mistakes. We recommend you follow the following rules:

  • The resignation of washing the soap regular. Tool, very dry cover and produces the feeling of "film" in the face. The soap should not be used for the cleaning of the skin in the décolletage area, neck, and back. If you really want to use this option tools, choose tar or volcanic soap.
  • The purchase of a special brush. The use of the fingers when applying creams and serums simply lack of hygiene. It is so easy to become infected and gain the inflammatory process.
  • With proper nutrition. Often it is said about the special diets that maintain the skin in its normal state. It is recommended to leave fat and smoked foods.
  • The resignation of lesions of the skin. Cosmetologists repeatedly speak of the damaging press of whiteheads and blackheads, and that you can't rub your face with a dry towel. More hygienic to use disposable paper napkins.
  • The use of the products of cleaning of the mask. Cosmetologists do not recommend the use of these tools often 1-2 times a week. They cause damage in the epidermis.
  • The mechanical cleaning of the person of trust only to beautician. In the absence of financial resources for the visit to the beauty salons we recommend the use of special devices — the spoon and the needle of the office of monitoring and evaluation.

Phases of care

Integral and rational care is based on several steps of purification, the application of a tonic, a tool and acne cream treatment or gel for a particular skin type. And now that everything is in order.

The purification of the

Skip this step, you can not, because the special means to clean the cover for cosmetic decorative the fat of the skin, the dust of the street and the dirt. As cleaners use the compositions with salicylic acid. Prefer to medicines, in which it is present benzoyl-peroxide. To force the cleaning of the skin, use the amber soap. Ideal exfoliating and antibacterial compositions.

Tonic or astringent

This category of cosmetic products, allows you to remove traces of fat and the fat that is within the breast, the fight against acne and pimples. Choose from must compositions without the alcohol, this component very dry out the skin and causes an increase of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Use of the tonic is simple — take a disk and a jar with the tool. Stir the pot and spread evenly a small amount of liquid in the unit. Clean the skin of the face and neck lines massage. The duration of the test should not exceed 3 to 5 minutes.

The tool of acne

In this case, the preference is to give a proven options. If not picked up such talk with a cosmetologist or dermatologist. An experienced doctor will teach you how to choose and use the tools that fit your type of skin.

The tool for the care of the cream or gel

When the purchase of cosmetics for oily skin and with problems of deciding the compositions without oil. This component contributes to the clogging of pores and the excess of selection of sebum. Oily skin needs hydration not less dry. Therefore, it is important to choose a cream or gel.

Presented on the shelves of stores of cosmetic compositions, often, very dry the skin and rob them of their nutrients. As a result, it causes a feeling of burning and peeling. Often, this leads to the early onset of wrinkles and premature aging.

For people whose skin is prone to dryness, and the appearance of peeling, it is worth to use proven tools.

Hardware skin care

the care of the person

In beauty salons today offer a variety of different options. Hardware the care of the skin problemtica gives positive results, but it requires a financial investment. In the beauty salons offer various

the procedures that help get rid of the itchy skin and inflammation in the face:

  • Of dry cleaning. There are several types of this type of procedures — manual ultrasonic, chemical and laser. Each type has advantages and disadvantages. Manual dry cleaning is an effective solution, but in the skin after the procedure are redness, spend a few days. Save the method of ultrasonic cleaning, which does not bring more pain and does not produce scars on the skin. Its disadvantage is the impossibility of penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis. Laser procedure — a great option to get rid of the inflammation in the stage of execution. But the end result of the conclusion of the session, you will have to wait a few days.
  • The mesotherapy. This procedure is performed by experienced cosmetologists. In the process of under the skin, introduces to the injection of hyaluronic acid. This medication feeds and nourishes the skin of the face. Indications for the performance of procedures are improper operation of the sebaceous glands, with some type of acne of the disease and the patient's age more than 35 years.
  • The cryotherapy. During the celebration of the session in the epidermis were produced by the impact of liquid nitrogen. The procedure helps to restore the functions of protection and relieve the redness, the equalization of the tones and the closing of the inflammation.
  • Peeling. This procedure offers the possibility of getting rid of the dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin on the face. The action of the most powerful tools that the uniforms used in the home.

Get rid of the inflammation, and cosmetic defects easy. Important, perform the procedures on a regular basis. Optional to spend half the salary in the care of the skin. Use the tool of folk medicine — are also effective and effective.