How to care for oily skin of the face

The oily skin of the face is always separarn in its splendor, advanced pores, acne pimples, blackheads and other problems. The causes may be: incorrect care, poor quality cosmetics, sedentary life style, bad habits, genes, stress and others. To avoid these unpleasant moments, you need regular time in intensive care.

care of the oily skin of the face

If you do not care for the oily skin of the face, then the selection of sebum (a liquid fat) to increase the brightness will be even greater. The pores will begin to hide, not only the dirt and dust, but also the fat and sediment, necrotic cells. Will even more pimples, comedones, they may experience inflammation, irritation of the skin. All of this can cause serious problems and diseases of the skin.

The same effect is if you choose the wrong tool care. As a minimum, should be specifically for oily skin. Ideally, you should choose the tool that includes useful and necessary components. Poorly chosen tool will give you the opposite result to that which will only worsen the state of the epidermis and adds new problems. Therefore, this article focuses on the choice of tools appropriate care on the skin type.

The common myths about oily skin

Very often women are faced with the notions about this type of skin. Many, unfortunately, are incorrect, and injected posesoras fat of the epidermis in the error. This starts the wrong choice of cosmetics, of the funds of the care. The effect in the best of cases is not seen. In the worst cases – of the disease and the deterioration of the condition of the skin. It is necessary to understand with the more widespread myths that prevent girls properly take care of yourself.

Myth # 1.

The surface of the fat from the skin more thick. In its greater part consists of dead cells. For the contact of the cream in the layers of the epidermis, the "dead" that should fix it.

It is quite common for the myth, because it affects many. In reality, the skin of a living organism, composed of cells. Yes, there are and particles, but they are very few, since the cells are updated. Update period is twenty-eight days. On the surface of the face is the layer that you want to clean. Yes, after cleaning, the tone is levelled, and the skin to be more clean. But don't do it too rough, especially if the skin tends to become oily.

Keratocytes cells (dead cells) – it is all part of a living organism. Independently, they die and are cleaned with the surface of the epidermis, therefore, maintain a stable work of all systems. If the expression (death) will take place too intense – with the help of daily scrub and peels, then begins the opposite effect. The skin begins to produce more sebum, which serves as protection and lubrication. Begins hyperkeratosis – when the surface of the epidermis and is condensed, it becomes much more rough and thick.

Myth # 2.

care of the oily skin of the face purification

The scrub should be hard. Rub the person needs to "up the creak".

Because the fat of the skin increase in fat, many girls think that cleaning should be applied solid and hard components abrasive. Or in stores, where they recommend an exfoliation with crushed shell of the nuts.

Use this exfoliation is dangerous and is strictly prohibited. The particles remove the fat from the skin, but also create small scratches that cannot be seen until a certain time. Due to the ill-treatment, the active work of the sebaceous glands, and the wound will begin to sebum. Therefore, it is an inflammation of the wound. In addition, the abrasives are quite small and sharp. They can easily hide in the pores, damage, initiating the inflammatory process or worse – to form the acne.

Use scrubs with the presence of the abrasive can be once a month. By doing so, they can not rub. If it is printed, made easy short massage, and everything. If you need to match the tone of the skin – once a month scrub can do. But for daily use, use only mild detergents.

Myth # 3.

The skin needs to dry.

It is one of the most dangerous incorrect notifications. The fact that the skin is covered in liquid fat, does not mean that you have a large amount of moisture. The moisture and fat are different concepts. Bold the epidermis constantly seeks the balance between the humidity level and the allocation of sebum. If you use remittit means that the effect will not be comforting. These medicines pull the rest of the moisture from the cells of the epidermis, but in the selection of sebum are not affected.

On the contrary, if the humidity is not enough, the active work of the glndulas sebceas. Begin intensively to produce sebum, which is compensated for the loss of moisture. But it is not a lot of saves, and then in the cells of the lack of moisture and fat in the face has become even more. The epidermis loses the tone, begin to appear, creases, and wrinkles, start the dehydration. And here already any the mat napkins will not help.

The first thing you should do in that case is to leave to dry the skin at birth. You should stop using the alkaline soap and lotions alcohol-based. It is the more dry the skin and help produce sebum. For the daily washing is worth buying Tallow regulans cream. It does not affect the amount of moisture in the cells, but the calm of the sebaceous glands and eliminates excess shine. After washing, you can use a tonic that moisturize and soothe the epidermis.

Apply lotions and alcohol-based you need, but in some cases. For drying of grain, or of the fight against acne, these medicines cause equipped with one of the problematic areas. Therefore, it can prevent dryness of the epidermis. Clean by means of all the person is strictly prohibited!

Myth # 4.

With the daily remittit – the fat will disappear.

Get rid of the selection of the fat can not. The scientific studies have not yet been able to confirm the fact of the release of the sebum to always. In the type of the epidermis cannot affect the bad food. Those who call this the cause of the abundant selection of liquid fat – you are wrong.

The type of skin that has been created by nature, this is genetically. You can not, for example, change the height or the color of the eyes. Also the type of overlying skin.

Myth # 5.

skin care facial fat rejuvenation

Hydration is not necessary, since the liquid fat moisturizing effect of long duration.

The state of the moisture and the selection of the fat – different concepts. Fat liquid being on the surface of the face, and the moisture in the interior of the cells. When the effects of the external factors of the environment (abrupt change of temperature, cold, heat, wind, stress), the moisture begins to evaporate. The level of fat in the epidermis remains unchanged. The same will be if to day, wash to cleanse your face, but don't moisten the tonic, cream or lotion. The moisture balance in the cells breaks down.

To avoid this situation it is necessary to use moisturizing creams. You must also take into account the age features of the category. In moisturizing cream for young skin should be free of hyaluronic acid, for women 40 years old – the jojoba oil, collagen.

The cream needs to take it easy, lean, and preferably in a gel texture. In the composition should not be of the oils that can clog pores and create foci of inflammation.

Home care

For in the type of a person requires a careful and time intensive care. So no problem, you have to choose a valuable cosmetic .that is not going to harm, but, on the contrary, it will help you to deal successfully with phenomena of this type in the epidermis. It is very difficult to find something similar on the shelves of normal cosmetics from the store.

It is best to use the healing of makeup or other pharmaceutical products. Useful are those which have the following characteristics.

  1. Vitamin to. This can be retinol. It is the active ingredient, which manages the eruption of acne, acne, acne. It sells a large number of tools with the retinol in the office cosmeceuticals (medicinal cosmetics). Apply the medication should be only a certain period of time. It makes No sense to resort constantly, as well as the component it is addictive.
  2. The alpha-hydroacids (ANA). This can be the acids of the fruit (almond, Apple, lemon juice and glycolic acid, and others). They enter into the composition of creams, masks, scrubs and pharmaceutical products for the care of oily and problem skin. Cleans the pores, removes excess fat, regulate the process of selection of liquid fat.
  3. Trace elements. Is the zinc, sulfur, copper oxides. They work well with rash, comedones. Have an anti-inflammatory effect. Made and normalize the state of the skin.
  4. Betta-hydroacids (AVN). Is salicylic acid and hyaluronic acid. Often can be found in gels for washing, tonics, lotions, parts, purchase of masks and creams. Closes the pores, cleanses the face, removes excess oil, dries out the acne.
  5. The essential oils. Natural ingredients that soften and hydrate the epidermis. The action of the essential oil of eucalyptus and tea tree has been proven scientifically. Calm and relieve the swelling.
skin care facial oil hydration
In addition to these components, it is desirable that in the is and other ingredients, which also help to overcome difficulties related to the care of the skin oily. It is an extract of chamomile, celandine, st. john's wort, gingko biloba-biloba, marigold, stinging nettle and other things. They increase the immunity of the skin, nourish, improve the state of the cells, improve the state of the surface of the epidermis.

The purification of the

The purification is the main stage of care in the type of surface of the face. There is a daily and regular purification. The first thing is to wash with warm water to clean the gels, foams and others. The procedure done in the morning and in the evening for the recovery of the tone and the tone of the purification of the remains of the cosmetics and the normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Regular purifying masks, scrubs, peeling, mechanical cleaning, darsonvalization. It is necessary to carry out, but not so often as washing. They act in the epidermis more strong. Remove excess sebum, heal acne, eruptions, blackheads, rejuvenate the cells, is cleaned and narrow pores, Matting and moisturizing. Each procedure is performed at different times, but regularly compliance – integral gives good results.

The hydration of the

Hydration is a procedure less important. Many believe that oily skin – moisten the skin. However, it is not so. All of this has been described earlier (myth # 5). The hydration also is necessary to carry out every day, as well as a day the body loses about one and a half liters of water. In addition to the normal drinking water, the skin cover you need to the hydration of the tool. This can be creams, tonics, masks, lotions.

More often that the hydration is performed immediately after the cleaning. After washing the face with cleaning the means of the person is rubbed with a tonic moisturizer or put a moisturizer. The hydration does not give the skin aging, rejuvenates the cells, maintains its elasticity and flexibility.

The power

The skin cover must be intense power. In addition to the vitamins contained in the body of every day, for the epidermis you need the nutrients of the cream. Face masks, lotions. You can buy or make for himself. The essential nutritional components: oatmeal, honey, cinnamon, coffee, essential oils and herbal extracts.

Care professional

Take care of the skin cubiertau not only by yourself. If you have the desire and the money, you can consult with a professional. Beauty salons that offer the new technologies and medicines that will help you to deal with skin problems. Wizard to start your work, with the formation of certain treatment procedures. They rely on one of the main problems. The direction of treatment can be based on:

  • the alignment of the epidermis;
  • the rejuvenation of the cells;
  • the correction of age changes;
  • the whitening;
  • the purification and the narrowing of the times;
  • the recovery of the skin;
  • vallum;
  • the lifting of the inflammatory processes.

Rely on a procedure of this type is necessary for professionals. They must comply with the following:

professional skin care fat face
  1. Offer different treatment options that can help you to solve the problem.
  2. Explain how it works the procedure or medication. To know, if there are no allergic reactions to the components of the product.
  3. Take into account the personal characteristics of the client.


A cosmetic procedure that is based on rejuvenation of the cells. With the help of injections or a special device into the layers of the epidermis entered the composition of hyaluronic acid and a drug resistant vitamin complex. He, in turn, slows down the aging of cells, promotes regeneration of the skin, activates the rapid change of the substances.

The recommended procedure only to the girls, after 25 to 40 years. It tightens the skin, rejuvenates the cells.

Professional exfoliation

Professional exfoliation is a deep cleaning of the person, which is not only close pores, but it also eliminates wrinkles, reduces inflammation, rejuvenates the cells. The peeling are performed in different ways.

  1. Impact – mechanical sanding of the skin with the help of diamond powder and special brushes.
  2. Chemical effects on – the top layer of the epidermis is washed with the help of acids (dairy, fruits, amino acids).
  3. The physical impact – epidermis cleaned with ultrasonic or laser.
The number of treatments depends directly on the state of the skin and the desired result.

The air of the cabin of the mask

These masks are expensive, but the result is impressive of many. After application of the skin be clean, soft, no acne problems and excess fat. The composition of such a mask depends on the skin types.


care of the oily skin of the face of the mask

Massage – cosmetic procedure, which is very useful for any type of skin. Massage struggle with edema, the second of the chin active in the emission of the fat, the blurred contour of the face and wrinkles.

For each of the areas of the face, implement a service of massage. Are divided into a classic, pizzicato and plastic.


A good cosmetic procedure, which acts on the pores and abundant selection of excess fat by the modification of the high voltage and the frequency of the current. It is a little unpleasant, but very effective. The period of treatment: 12 of procedures. Can then be repeated after four months.