The beauty and the care of the person and the body

The beauty of a woman and the appearance of care is a set of three components: a beautiful and healthy hair, has a perfect figure and velvety to the skin. Nature since his birth, has allotted to each a has its own personality and appeal, however, the natural beauty is must to maintain, care for and appreciate with the passage of time, not faded, continuing with the delight of the owner, cause the admiration of the people around them and of the fans and the envy of the rivals.

facial and body treatments

With velvety texture skin

Makeup and skin care of the face are the basic elements that form an attractive exterior of the women. A beautiful skin – it is hard work, all the days of the hygiene of the body, the life that was right and balanced, as well as to competent selection of beauty treatments and their providers of funds. The ravages of the skin affects not only the age and environmentally unfavourable situation. Permanent, stress, hard water, household chemical goods, exposure to ultraviolet light and electromagnetic radiation – all of this, on the whole, with the time left in the woman's face a kind of fingerprint.

Daily body hygiene, the mode of day and feed, care, and competently made cosmetics, and, most importantly, the love of self - the promise of the beauty of your skin and your body.

The beauty and the care of the person can be several factors that have to be followed for the conservation of the youth and elasticity of the skin:

  • The skin of the face and the body requires regular cleansing. Dust, dead cells, and Hot particles clog the skin and prevent the proper exchange of air power.
  • The optimum temperature. Too much hot air in conjunction with uv rays. the skin loses its elasticity, the result of the wrinkle. The cold temperature, together with the rain or the snow, the skin becomes rough and blushes – the other way to aging. That is why it is so important to properly use the cosmetic care of the skin of the person, that is to say, to collect the money in function of the pores of the year.

It is important to collect the caretakers of the tool depending on the type of skin and their characteristics. Just once you go to a cosmetologist, specialist, expert, will choose the best option, the cosmetics not to do it by trial and error.

It is important to remember that it is easier to prevent the problem, then try to fix it. Unfortunately, not every woman complies with the rules of care of the face, so that can't boast the ideal of the skin on the face without a single wrinkle. And since this is a result of the improper care of the skin.

The care of the body

Nature has been ready for the woman's body always looks good. However, the time is the implacable enemy of beauty – hard-deletes the traces of youth and attractiveness. To save natural and a beautiful figure, women use all possible means for the care of the body.

The face of a woman receives much more attention, and her figure is still very careful. It is worth noting that the skin on your body ages slower, but this does not mean that it is not necessary to pay attention. The history of the care of the body is traced from the most ancient times, when the first representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have used natural possibilities for the creation of velvety skin and a perfect figure. The makeup and body care help maintain the creaminess of the skin, as well as get rid of some of the shortcomings.

Useful recommendations

In the first place, it is necessary to carry the body care for personal hygiene. A beautiful skin is, first and foremost, clear skin. Therefore, in the morning and in the night soil are mandatory hygienic procedures. The care of the body of the girl – is a complex of hygiene and care of activities that allow you to get pleasure directly in the process and its outcome.

how to take care of a person

Beauty treatments and caregivers of the tool to the body must adapt to the peculiarities of the deck – not worth to use the makeup for the face, since that is different from the composition inherent. Creams and masks for the body, apply a more dense layer.

The full body treatment begins with active circulation of the blood, therefore, do not forget the morning a gym and contrast showers. Hot tub, filled with aromatic oils, is also an effective means for the cleaning of the skin, but you must not abuse this procedure, as well as the frequent use can cause damage to the body premature aging and other problems.

Gym and fitness - good helpers in the conservation of the beauty. The physical vitality of the muscles and the blood vessels naturally help you to look more fresh and younger.

Deep cleaning of the skin

Suitable for the care of the body is a deep cleansing and nutrition of the skin. The dead and Horny skin particles clog the cells, I need the entry of nutrients. A variety of exfoliating tools stimulate the processes of regeneration and contribute to the renewal of the cells. As a result, the skin becomes sensitive to the absorption of different nutrients.

Deep cleaning of the skin enough for 1-2 times a week. Journal of hygiene, for the care of the body will be to maintain the result for the rest of the time until the next procedure.

Intensive feeding

The care of the woman's body, a procedure that allows you to not only achieve the impressive results external. Periodically activities related to the own beauty, promote relaxation, and the relaxation.

After the shower or the bath, it is important to use special cosmetics that nourish and hydrate the skin. The beauty and care of the body begins with the correct selection of drugs and procedures, which contribute to the nutrition of the cells and their regeneration.

Currently there is a lot of variety of caregivers and cosmetics, which possess certain properties. It is important to pick up the makeup and is competent to use. Application of the cream on skin that is dirty will not bring any result, and can cause the formation of the inflammatory process.

Be careful in choosing cosmetics, especially if you prefer the "natural" cosmetics. Some creams and ointments may cause an individual allergic reaction. Talk with the cosmetlogo and your dermatologist about what is best suited for you.

About body care written many articles and there is a large number of resources. However, you can't always find this information useful and relevant. The theme of the care of the body is a purely individual nature: it is a tool that suits a woman, it can cause an allergic reaction in the second. And believe me, red, swollen face, with which, as to the sunburn, peeling of the skin - you will not be beautiful. That is why the query of aesthetics is a decision, which will help to determine the type of skin and choosing the best set of cosmetics.

It is important to take care of yourself, from childhood. The care of the body of the little girl is, first of all, the daily body hygiene, which should become an integral part of the mode of day. As usual, to get to the automatism, as the habit of brushing morning teeth. Since the girl is the future a beautiful woman, who must be able to love themselves and take care of themselves, to grow up happy. Only the woman, who does refer to himself as the queen, will be the queen in the eyes of others.

mask for the face and body

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