Care of the skin of the person in the home

The skin of the face, reflects not only the age of the woman, but also love and self-respect.Therefore, the correct care of it, should simply be the rule of every day, and the truth about his age and is hidden from the associates forever.

But what to do, if you see a beautiful fancy, and the resources are limited? Everything is simple – to give preference to the media prepared in the home.

It is not less effective than the air of the cabin of the procedure, but it is much cheaper and more safe!

care of the skin of the person in the home recipes

Care of the skin of the person in the household: the correct purification

Beautiful skin – clear skin. This is not mechanical of the contamination and the clogging of the pores. This problem increasingly accompanies not only the skin, fat, but posesoras the normal type of the skin. Ideally, the epidermis must clean itself (it is by design of nature), but our vital speed up to maximum speed, and the skin simply does not have time to adapt their direct responsibilities to the rhythm of life. She needs a little help.

The most easy and inexpensive method of deep cleaning of the epidermis of the house – is the salt. There is the opinion that you only want to use the marine environment. That is not true. Normal salt has a great set of enable antiseptic properties, in addition, she is always at hand. The salt scrub is not stored, it must be used immediately after preparation. Recipes for each different skin type.

Fatty and mixed skin type Normal and dry skin type

1 part salt (shallow);

Part 1 tablespoon beloved liquid soap dispenser.

Rub the slight movements of 2 minutes.

Do not repeat more than 1 time in seven days.

1 part of common salt (shallow);

1 part olive oil (you can replace with any other).

Massage the face for 1-2 minutes.

It is not necessary to repeat it more than twice a month

Any use of skraba more effectively if it is done in a little to steam the skin. Best of all, after the hot shower or a relaxing bath.

The proper cleansing of the skin at home provides two golden rules:

  1. Never proceed to the mechanical cleaning of the person, if there is inflammation, draining wounds. The procedure is not useful, and can worsen the healing inflamed the process;
  2. In any case, start cleaning the pores without pre-cleaning of the skin and soap, or other cleaner. At the time of the mechanical action of leather to injuries and the presence in it of the pollution of any type (even the remains of cosmetics) carries the inflammation.

Care of the skin of the person at home: hydration

The hydration is one step in the care of the skin. Game, that looks for the health of the skin – a reality for any woman. It is competent to saturate the moisture of the skin may not even realize it. The simple products with the daily presence in the menu are capable of meeting the body of substances that improve the health of the person and the skin in general.

The water 1.5 l of all days is sufficient to give the skin a proper elasticity
Vitamin C Contributes to the natural development of collagen. Just A few blocks to the day or salad of sauerkraut have the same effect for the health of the skin, by how expensive the cream
The fats and omega-3 fatty acids It is useful, easily digestible fat of vegetable origin, or with the fermented foods. Fats of marine fish healthier source of omega-3 fatty acids
Minerals: copper, magnesium, silicon, sulfur Daily serving of any cereal, or a slice of back of the cereal bread is to satisfy the need of a body of these nutrients

The vital force of the skin largely depends on your way of life, and not of the price tag on the box of moisturizing cream. Less caffeine and the stress, sleep more and more and positive emotions are reflected on the face instantly. But still enjoy your face with masks moisturizers several times a month, it is mandatory.

Recipe no. 1:

  • 1 chicken egg yolk (can be quail);
  • 1 tablespoons of fat yogurt (milk cream);
  • 1 tsp of carrot juice.

Mix and apply in 15 minutes on a clean face. Better if the mask will be slightly warm. More suitable for dry skin.

Recipe no. 2:

The juice of sea buckthorn is an effective tool for any type of skin. Rub them face every day, or put on a gauze mask and leave on the face for 20 minutes.

Recipe no. 3:

  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • 1 tablespoons of aloe juice.

The juice of aloe get with a single leaf of the plant, which previously cortemos and left in the refrigerator for several days. Mix with honey in the proportion and apply on the clean skin. This mask can be stored in the refrigerator. Ideal for any skin type.

Care of the skin of the person in the home: power

care of the skin of the person in the home of the purification

Nourish the skin needed for improved color and overall appearance. Flaccid, almost transparent, leather, gray color – this is what can happen if you do not give the person due attention. The skin cells very lazy by nature. If they don't receive proper power, they begin to slow down its functionality even until a full stop. To avoid this, it is necessary to nourish your body with nutrients, not only internally, but also with the help of external means.

In the home the power of the skin occurs with the help of masks, which are prepared with ingredients on hand. For each type of skin is better to choose the composition, otherwise the effect is not the maximum.

Homemade face masks nutritious for different types of skin

Skin type The composition of the mask Features of the application
Normal 1, the protein of the eggs;1 tsp honey; potato Starch. The honey is heated on the steam bath and mix with the smoothie protein. The mixture to make a thickened with cornstarch. Apply on the clean face for 25 to 30 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a month.
Bold 20 grams yeast (not dried);1 tablespoon of sour cream. The mixture apply on the skin in 25 minutes. Wash just with warm water without soap.
Dry 1 egg yolk;1 tsp honey;1 tsp of glycerin. The components are mixed in the steam bath and then apply to a cleansed face for 1 to 2 hours. The remains of the mask are stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. Repeat the procedure until you finish the composition.
Mixed 1 tbsp of curd, 1 tablespoons berry puree (seasonal). Ingredients mix well and apply on the face. The duration of procedures of 20 minutes do not Repeat it more than once a week.

Care of the skin of the person at home: whitening

With age or under the influence of the environment and the pace of life in the skin of the face may appear unpleasant surprise in the form of age spots. Many women immediately run to the shops of corrective actions of the media, without guessing that this problem is resolved in the home, it is very accessible.

Express-cucumber mask

  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • the alcohol.

The cucumber grate it and pour the alcohol. Insist on the 24 hours in the refrigerator. Gauze cloth soaked in the liquid received, apply on face for 15 minutes. The infusion resulting is you can use up that wouldn't end. A series of procedures that take anywhere from 14 to 30 days, depending on the result obtained. More a mask ideal for the owners of the fat of the skin.

Tonic parsley

Parsley grind the knife and pour the boiling water. Infusion rubbed into the skin 2 to 3 times a day. For your convenience, you can freeze the infusion in the molds of ice and cleanse face in the morning before work. This procedure will give the skin elasticity and freshness.

Honey and lemon mask

  • The juice of 1 lemon;
  • Honey 2 tablespoons

The honey is melted in bain-marie and mix with the lemon juice. The chiffon well impregnated with the solution and put the person in 15-20 minutes.

It is not worth having after a procedure, the skin will be perfect. For this reason, it is necessary a number of procedures, but the result will manifest the long-term effect.

Care of the skin of the person in the home: the fight against wrinkles

Raised the mask of wrinkles to a great extent, just a commercial trick. All the processes of aging of the subcutaneous cells only controls the body. As we have, that responds to us. To delay the appearance of the first wrinkles, it is desirable to make preventive procedure, which does not take up much time, require no investment, safe for health and give good result.

care of the skin of the person in the home


  1. a healthy diet,
  2. the fresh air
  3. imitate massage,
  4. the vitamin homemade mask.

The first responds to the age of the area around the eyes, therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention. This recipe mask ideal not only against wrinkles, but also as the reduction of dark circles under the eyes.

Potatoes mask for the skin around the eyes

  • 1 tablespoons of mashed potato;
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley.

Ingredients to mix and apply on the area around the eyes for 15 minutes. The mask you apply every 2 days during the month. For your convenience, with parsley you can make an infusion. 15 teaspoons of chopped parsley pour boiling water and let stand until cool water.

It is the most effective means, which gives an immediate result is the gel mask. The jelly has in its composition of natural collagen. All faces of the tool and the air of the cabin treatments, which in one form or another, contain.

The gelatin mask against wrinkles

  • Milk to 2 tablespoons;
  • Fat cheese, 1 tablespoons;
  • Gelatin-1 teaspoon

Pour the gelatin in the milk until the swelling. Then, melt in a water bath (up to a boiling point of putting not can). Cottage cheese rub through of a full and mix with the gelatin. The mixture of imposing on the person in 30 minutes. At this time, it is best to relax, not to show emotions and facial expressions. The mask will dry, making the film in his face. Defraud or in any case. The mask is removed very hot, the cooking of the herbs or with the help of a steam bath. It is a miracle, the tool has no contraindications and can be used often.

Care of the skin of the person in the home: causes of failures

Home remedies for the care of the skin of a person with all the characteristics, which are very much appreciated and synthetic is going to buy the cream and the mask. The only difference is that tube store easy-to-use, always on hand. But its chemical composition must guard each one. In the house of the tool, only what is revealed to us by nature, and this, a priori, better. But even so, if the home remedies do not give the expected effect, the causes can be due to:

  1. Composition. Poorly selected ingredients according to the type of skin will give an inverse effect.
  2. The use of components not for the season (may not be included in the winter fresh cucumbers in the care of the skin);
  3. Little, the realization of the procedures.
  4. Lack of type of the mask on the problem you want to solve.